5 Tips For Sales Success From An Award-Winning CMO
Submitted by Sarah Kuranda on

4. Say 'Thank You'
It's so simple, Hopkins said, but sending a simple thank you, or calling to thank a customer for being a client can go a long way. First of all, it keeps the channel of contact open with the client so you are at the forefront of their mind. Second, it gives the client an opening to address any problems they might be having, so they can be mediated before the client turns elsewhere for help. Hopkins said people usually remember to thank people around Thanksgiving or other holidays, but should work to make it a habit every day to thank someone for their business.
5. Tighten Ties Between Sales and Marketing Teams
Sales and marketing are often very divided within companies, Hopkins said, but they are ultimately working towards the same goal. There is often a disconnect between the two employee groups, but it is important to have them join hands and work together, she said. One easy way to start is to have marketing attend sales team meetings to support sales wins and get the teams familiarized with one another.