Cradlepoint's New CTO Poised To Lead Internet Of Things
Submitted by Mark Haranas on

How will you beat the competition?
It is a competitive field, but we have a sound core platform. The ease of use, the experience our customers have right out of the gate is second to none. Hardware normally isn’t that way. As you deploy hardware on-premise, there's usually a fairly large size organization by way of profession services or certifications programs that are needed to do that.
In Cradlepoint case, they've been fantastic at making ease of use and customers experience No.1 and I plan to extend on that. I want to extend it into the software stack, not just the hardware stack and make sure the whole experience from unboxing, plugging in, to managing and understanding what's happening on the network through the cloud platform is seamless and easy to use. I think that will set us apart as it already has from our competitors.
What else gives Cradlepoint a leg up against competition?
Our nimble size. I've got some plans to grow the R&D organization and they're going to allow me to do that. As we grow, we'll keep that aggressive, nimble size company in our sights so we can move quickly -- much more quickly than the bigger competitors that we have in the market.
Name one security improvement you plan to bring to Cradlepoint?
I believe there's some key assets where we can leverage from the SIEMs people have deployed and we can actually both feed data into a SIEM to help them make better security decisions based on our anomaly detection as well as take feeds from a SIEM and allow them to configure their network more appropriately based on information, not only on our routers, but database logs across the network.