Denver Biz Tech Expo Founder Shares Secrets to Success
Submitted by Michael Novinson on

For event organizers looking to replicate the overnight success of the Denver Biz Tech Expo, DeCamillis offers the following advice:
• Know your attendees – DeCamillis has prospective attendees fill out detailed registration firms so he can ferret out headhunters or people looking for a job. He also briefs vendors on his color coding system for guest badges so that they can easily identify resellers and end users.
• Engage expo guests at their level – Not all tech conference attendees are techies. At smaller firms, the owner or president will often double as the IT director, DeCamillis said, while both the CEO and IT director might attend from a larger firm. Therefore, vendors must bring to the expo booth more than engineers who talk over people's heads. DeCamillis is also surprised by the number of vendors who pay good money for a booth and top-flight display, then don't bother to engage with attendees passing by. DeCamillis has taken to shooting photos of the booths so he can show exhibitors what they're doing wrong if they're not getting many leads.
• Provide a hand with marketing – Many of the smallest vendors lack the money or know-how to employ their own marketing people, so the expo helps them out. DeCamillis brought a strong writer on board this years to put together attention grabbing one-to-two sentence blurbs on each vendor. The expo has been blasting one blurb out each day via Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and email.
• Everybody loves free stuff – Every booth should be interactive, DeCamillis said, even for vendors working on a small budget or with a bulky product that can't easily be displayed on the expo floor. He encouraged vendors to bring cheap, branded giveaways to the expo floor, or incorporate a game or contest into their expo exhibit.
• Food should be a draw, not a distraction - DeCamillis used to put snacks, coffee and drinks on tables outside of the expo area, but came to realize this was pulling attendees off the expo floor. So this time around, food and refreshments will be served in the middle of the expo area so that guests can quickly quench their hunger or thirst and keep going.