Q&A: Telecom Market In 'Unprecedented' Period of Change
Submitted by Mark Haranas on

What do you see trending in the telecom big data space?
Clearly, there is a tremendous level of buzz and a fair bit of cynicism around big data and analytics across all verticals and enterprises, which is part of the natural evolution of business intelligence.
Because of the massively transactional nature of communications services – billions and billions of calls, messages and packets – communications service providers (CSPs) are struggling to identify, manage, exploit and eventually monetize highly valuable information ranging from network event data to consumer initiated transactions. Increasingly, CSPs are turning to TNS to help separate the wheat from the voluminous chaff to extract value and deliver a superior, privacy compliant customer experience.
How is LTE transforming the landscape?
Ubiquitous broadband and presence capabilities are birthing entirely new business models – think Uber, Waze, etc. The migration of MNO's to LTE and MSO/LECs to WiFi is a top priority at every operator which is creating business challenges at operators for which TNS has existing and evolving roaming, clearing and hubbing solutions to include Voice-over LTE and WiFi interoperability.
What is trending in the VoIP solutions space?
Both consumers and even those of us in the industry need to shift our thinking from associating VoIP with providers like Skype, Vonage or Magic. In a world where everything - voice, video, messaging - either is or can be packetized, the fact is that a tremendous percentage of even traditional landline calls at multiple-systems operators and local exchange carriers. TNS has emerged as a leading provider of solutions to enable protocol conversions and business continuity for converged voice and data CSP networks as well as emerging Voice-over LTE and OTT applications and services.