Why Bluewolf Is Investing In Gamification

For example, employees can earn points for setting up a "Pack Profile" (which is basically a bio published on the company's Web site); for writing their first blog post; for sending out Tweets from the company's "Going Social Chatter group" (which brands the company); or for taking a "Knowledge Challenge."

Bluewolf employees can even earn points based on how many people view or share their comments or contributions. "If it is being shared and viewed, all the better. We are giving you points for good content," Sklar said.

Sklar characterizes the program as highly successful. Some metrics from 2013:

  • Blog traffic increased 153 percent
  • Social traffic rose more than 68 percent
  • Usage of the internal Salesforce Chatter network is up more than 57 percent
  • There has been an eight-fold growth of the Bluewolf blogger community

One big reason for this success has been the high-level visibility the program receives, Sklar said. "The CEO starts every all-hands call with the statistics about who is doing the best," she said.

Later this year, Bluewolf hopes to build on this momentum with a similar program that encourages customer feedback, reviews and references. Stay tuned for more details during the second half of 2014.