XChange: Agility Is Critical In The Ever-evolving IT Industry
Submitted by Gina Narcisi on

But if a company is seeking answers that are radically different than the answers that worked for them yesterday, they won't be found in a group of people who all think the same, Dudley said.
"If you have a culture that doesn't allow someone to be a contrarian within the organization, you're going to be in trouble, "he said.
Different age groups also bring different perspectives to the table. Dudley used the up-and-coming millennial generation as an example of a cohort that is often more concerned with speed than previous generations. "These people are more interested in 'good enough' and getting it out there. They work out the bugs later," he said.
A mashup of answers -- not just one answer from one person – could also be the best way to go, Dudley said. “Be aware of that when you are putting solutions together and talking to clients,” he said.
"The market is dominated by those saying they are the biggest and the fastest," Dudley said. "It's not the strongest that survive, it’s the ones most capable of change."