Beacon Systems And ManTech See Advantages In Working Together
Submitted by Ramin Edmond on

Beacon Systems Inc. and ManTech International Corp. have come to terms on a mentor-protege agreement under which the multi-billion dollar ManTech will provide senior-level mentoring to foster Beacon's growth and development.
ManTech, No. 21 on CRN’s 2014 Solution Provider 500 list, says it believes in being a mentor to smaller organization. The company attributes much of its own success to teaming up with larger firms during the days when it was a small business itself.
"ManTech International Corporation is a strong supporter of the U.S. Government’s efforts to enable small business growth," said Dan Keefe, president and chief operating officer with ManTech's Mission Solutions and Services Group.
"In Beacon, we have a protégé that operates to our own high ethical standards, and at the same time, brings cutting-edge industry best practices to our customers. We look forward to a long and beneficial relationship with one of the really excellent companies supporting NASA."
ManTech will provide assistance to Beacon Systems Inc. with general management and strategic planning advice, business development assistance to expand BeaconGov's prime and subcontracting base, and process improvement assistance to aid in the maturation of BeaconGov's quality tools and processes.
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