Blog Roundup: A Stronger Security Posture
Submitted by Rick Saia on

How can your customers strengthen security in the data center? And what can deception systems do as part of a security strategy? Read all about it here.
MERIDIAN: Achieving security in today's data center
A new security model and architecture are needed for true security in today's IT world of the software-defined data center and cloud computing, this post argues.
CONNECTION: Building resilience in critical infrastructure
An emergency response plan for a cyberattack is critical, but how do you build resilience into that plan? Stephen Nardone explores that question.
OPTIV: How deception systems can augment SIEM
It sounds like something a football team will do, like set up as if you're going to run the ball, then pass. In this post, Derek Arnold tells how a deception system – designed to confuse or misdirect an attacker – can work with a SIEM tool.