8 DDoS Attacks That Make Business Think Harder About IoT Security
Submitted by Lindsey O'Donnell on
Brian Krebs' Website Experienced DDoS Attack
In September 2016, security investigative reporter Brian Krebs' information blog experienced a DDoS attack. The attack reportedly placed peak traffic at around 620 Gbps.
Krebs determined a Mirai botnet was responsible for the attack: "The source code that powers the IoT botnet responsible for launching the historically large DDoS attack against KrebsOnSecurity last month has been publicly released, virtually guaranteeing that the Internet will soon be flooded with attacks from many new botnets powered by insecure routers, IP cameras, digital video recorders and other easily hackable devices," he stated on his blog.
"My guess is that (if it’s not already happening) there will soon be many Internet users complaining to their ISPs about slow Internet speeds as a result of hacked IoT devices on their network hogging all the bandwidth. On the bright side, if that happens it may help to lessen the number of vulnerable systems," said Krebs in the blog post.