Q&A: CentricsIT's Derek Odegard On Rolling With Changes Over 10 Years

Does that global delivery with 90 countries help you with regard to asset disposition? You can probably redistribute some assets to some other clients you know. Is that how some of it works?

It does, but what we're seeing now is that it's such a global economy and the organizations that we deal with don't just typically have a footprint in North America.

[For example,] we're doing global multi-site Wi-Fi … installations. So the ability to be able to roll that out across the globe adds a lot of value as opposed to having them go market to market and find a provider [and] project manage that provider, so there's a lot of value in that. Whether it be a professional services engagement … or a multi-site asset disposition plan, globally, being able to manage that in one spot is something that has really resonated with our customers. And the same … for our third-party maintenance model.

The ability to maintain their equipment all over the globe is again something that's really resonated and they see value in it.