Blog Roundup: Security Awareness And Antidotes
Submitted by Rick Saia on

In the opening days of National Cyber Security Awareness Month, here are three perspectives for solution providers to help their clients fill any and all security holes in their infrastructures.
CONNECTION: Stop, think, then connect
Stephen Nardone offers a simple three-step approach that should be reinforced to end users in the name of security. He also alludes to a recent Symantec survey that said 90 percent of Americans want to learn more about being safer on the Internet.
ONX: The 11 'must have' basics of security program
Managed security service providers can use this list by Ed Dubrovsky as a guide to determine where they can step in and fill the gaps that their clients have in their security posture.
QUEST: 8 steps to thwarting ransomware
CEO Tim Burke says security experts regard ransomware as today's most serious cyber threat, and he outlines an inoculation program so your clients can avoid facing the potential catastrophe that can come with an infection.