Here's How IT Companies Can Build A Social Media Presence
Submitted by Matt Brown on

If social media isn't yet the most prominent way for the channel to communicate and stay informed, the day is certainly coming.
Still, for the uninitiated, jumping into the world of status updates, tweets and selfies can seem daunting. On one hand, social media is great for building brand awareness. On the other, users tend to be turned off by overt social media advertising.
You want to build relationships and grow your brand, but your head might be swirling with questions like: which social media site is the best fit for my business? How much time should I be spending on these sites? How often should I contribute? How do I know if it's working?
The folks at CIO White Papers have compiled a comprehensive list of top social media sites and have digested their strengths and weaknesses for the IT industry, listing what works about each network and what doesn't.
Want to be able to endlessly customize your page? Maybe Facebook isn't your best bet. Want to reach as many people as possible, perhaps Twitter is best. With the advice here, you can consider and organize an entire social media strategy and put yourself in the best position to capitalize on that strategy.