Prepare For The Changing 'D' In BYOD
Submitted by Matt Brown on

The industry has been buzzing about BYOD – that's bring-your-own-device – for years, and the talk shows no signs of stopping.
In a way, IT is caught in the middle when it comes to BYOD. People show up for work and they want their personal phone or tablet to work, for work. So, make it work.
Derik Vanvleet at Cloud Sherpas has an interesting take. In a recent blog, Vanvleet warns that BYOD could become the dominant way of doing business in the near future, and he's not just talking about phones and tablets.
He's got a deceptively simple question for businesses, and one it might be smart to start asking your customers: Have you defined the 'D' in BYOD?
More and more, the 'D' will include laptops, and if sales trends are any indication, many of them will be Chromebooks. Vanvleet cites several surveys and recent research to make his argument, and it's well worth the read.
So, the question isn't just, "are you ready for BYOD," it's are you ready for BYOD to be the primary way your customers and clients do business? Click here to read Vanvleet's full blog.