3 Big Mobile Security Trends Partners Will Grapple With In 2016

2. Struggles Between the OS and Hackers

In 2015, businesses faced an array of mobile malware exploits, such as the Android operating system's Stagefright exploit, and iOS KeyRaider malware, due to vulnerabilities in operating systems. According to MobileIron, hackers in 2016 will continue to figure out ways to make apps appear "trusted."

In response to this increase in exploits, vendors such as Apple will continue to shut down untrusted ways of distributing apps to devices and become stricter about controlling the use of private application program interfaces (API).

One distribution method of apps to devices, sideloading, an untrusted way to install apps without using the official app market, could be cracked down on by vendors, according to MobileIron, which would lower the risk of malware attacks on consumer operating systems.

What It Means For The Channel: Partners need to ensure their customers are constantly aware of the dangers of operating system exploits even as vendors crack down on mobile malware.