3 Ways Bluewolf Has Used Marketing To Differentiate Its Business

Optimize The Entire Funnel (Continued)

Bluewolf uses a scoring model to determine how to allocate its marketing resources, focusing on the title of the person making an inquiry and his or her level of engagement. For instance, Sklar said students are not passed to market development representatives (MDRs) and job-seekers are not passed along to salespeople.

Sklar has also worked to fine-tune Bluewolf’s return-on-investment strategy since sales for the solution provider are typically complex and involve multiple influencers and points of contact at the end-user company.

Sklar said Bluewolf’s model tracks which marketing tactics are touching end users at different points in the sales process and assesses their effectiveness. This allows Bluewolf to tweak its process so that money is being allocated to the activities most likely to generate a return.