Q&A With Davra Networks' Paul Glynn: Solution Providers Skill Up For IoT

Where are the biggest opportunities for VARs both short term and long term?

I think short term … connectivity is the first phase of every project. Every IoT project starts with connecting those things. I think long term … IoT as a terminology will cease to exist [because of the growth of electronic commerce].

Longer term, everything will just be connected. It will just be the next logical step from where we've gone in an evolution, certainly from a networking perspective. So many things will be connected that the conversation, the opportunity for the VARs is to become more operationally focused.

I don't think there will be a Google of IoT; there's no one company that's going to rise to the top and do everything for everybody. There are lots of platforms that try to be all things to all … and they'll all fail miserably or else they'll end up focusing on a key area. We focus on transportation, so we typically work with VARs who want to focus on transportation.