Q&A With Davra Networks' Paul Glynn: Solution Providers Skill Up For IoT

Two years ago, you said there was a huge emphasis on the gathering, storage and analysis of IoT-generated data. Has the industry made progress since then?

It absolutely has. The technology hasn't been a problem in the industry. The problem … is people actually doing something. … Lots of organizations are talking about having IoT strategies. …  It's moving slowly. … I think people are interested …. [but] they don't really know what they want. They know that there's an opportunity to use technology in new ways, but they haven't really figured it out.

[Companies are] a little bit concerned what will happen if they open up this can of worms that is IoT. If they start creating all this data, then they need to do something with it. There's no point in creating and collecting data if you're not going to react and be able to do something with it. And a lot of business processes have to change.