Q&A With Davra Networks' Paul Glynn: Solution Providers Skill Up For IoT

Where do you see your training giving Davra an advantage?

If you look at who my customer is -- that being the systems integrator -- we have four separate sets of people within that integrator that we need to train. …  The first thing that we will do is a commercial sales training, so teaching the sales guy, "What are these IoT concepts? What are other people doing and helping you to replicate that back to your customer?"

The second piece … is the technical training, actually implementation. So we have a platform, and the engineering resources from our systems integrator partners need to [know how to] install and configure that. That's a big piece for us.

Then we have the development training. … [Since Davra has a platform, it allows others] to build applications on top of our platform. So we have to teach developers how to do that. It’s very open, its standards-based, we've got nice APIs. So any decent software developer will take to it very quickly. … And then the fourth piece is the user training.